Pasco capstone uncertainty time
Pasco capstone uncertainty time

Proportional to the current, I, through the material (provided the temperature remains One finds experimentally that the voltage drop, V, across the material is directly In metals and some other materials (in particular, commercially manufactured resistors), This may be performed as a single lab or two Series/parallel circuits is also examined. The purpose of this experiment is to verify Ohm’s Law. a resistor?Īt the end of the lab experiment, please clean your table and wait for the instructor toĬheck you out! All the group partners must be present. Why is the voltage-current relationship different for a light bulb vs. Don’t forget to include units on all numbers.Ħ. Starting with y = mx + b, write an equation that represents the relationship between What is the physical meaning of the vertical intercept for the Voltage vs. What is the physical meaning of the slope for the Voltage vs. Represent positiveĬharges with a “+.” Represent negative charges with a “-.”ģ. How could this experiment be performed with an ammeter and batteries instead of theĢ. How well does the method of equivalent circuits work?ġ.

#Pasco capstone uncertainty time series#

Enter the values in the Theory Resistance column ofĬircuits in Series and Parallel – Data and Questions Sheetġ. The Resistance Check Values table, calculate the equivalent resistance for each of the threeĬircuits shown on the previous page. Using Equivalent Circuits (see Theory section above) and the values for the resistors from What is the physical meaning of the slope of the Linear Fit to the data on the Ohm’s Law graph. How well does your data support Ohm’s Law? Explain fully!Ģ. Graph) and seeing how much you can vary the slope and intercept with a straight line that stillįits the data (including error bars) reasonably well.ġ. (without elaborate math) by holding a transparent ruler up to the screen (or printing off the You can get a good approximation to the actual uncertainties in slope and intercept This means that the quoted uncertainties are too Include the uncertainty in the True Current. The uncertainties in the slope and intercept arise from the spread of the data points but do not The horizontal error bars represent the +/- 0.1 mA uncertainty in the True Current which wasĪchieved by calibrating the system (see previous page). Click on the black triangle by the Curve Fit icon on the graph toolbar and select Linear.Ģ. Use the data from your table to create a Voltage vs Current graph in capstoneġ. ◼ Data: Below data Sheet and graph was determined. This may be performed as a single lab or two short The equivalent resistance of series/parallel circuits is alsoĮxamined. ◼ Introduction: The purpose of this experiment is to verify Ohm’s i have attached every document related to the lab which is the whole lab manual, the graph that we determined and the lab report with analysis questions. Please find the attached lab report for physics.

Pasco capstone uncertainty time